Winners and Losers Have The Same Goals

Losers should be better called goal setters.

Aman Daniel
2 min readAug 27, 2024
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

I realized this thing this year. When I myself made some goals and worked for them. Previously that was not the case. Back then I only daydreamed them or thought of their completion only to feel good.
And let’s clarify one thing…
The guy who works hard or even gives a try at something which is called GOAL. I don’t consider them a loser. Do you?
And because of this word – Losers, people have adopted the perception. The perception says, the participant in 10th , 5th, or even 3rd and 2nd position doesn’t matter. They all are seen as losers sometimes.

System Matters

When a winner and loser (which is none other than a person who only sets a goal and does nothing) sets the same goals. So what is that thing which is stopping the other one from getting ignored by the reward?

It is A System.
That sets the winner and the loser apart. And this is also a pretty obvious thing.
Think for yourself, if you have clarity on what you want. The only thing which would stop you is the steps or way of how you will reach your goal.
This is where the System takes place.

Thanks for Reading.



Aman Daniel

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